I haVe a special interest in treating digestive disorders - including IBS, IBD, SIBO, constipation, GORD and undiagnosed digestive issues. If your Health concerns are not gut related, please email me to see if i may be the best person to treat your health concerns. I have an extensive network of practitioners that i refer to, to ensure you are receiving the best specialised care for your health needs.


Rae is currently consulting from :

:: Denmark Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic (not available June - August 2024. Telehealth Only)

:: Via Phone/Zoom or SKYPE

Bookings can be made via my handy new online booking function. Simply click on the big orange booking button, follow the prompts and instantly secure your spot. Easy peasy! 

** Please note the following prices effective January 1, 2024

Initial Appointments ( approx. 1 hour)  - $190

Follow up Appointments (up to 30 mins)  - $100

Follow up Appointments (up to 60 mins)  - $145

Extended Follow up (up to 75 mins) - $165

Brief Appointment (up to 15 min) $55

SKYPE / Zoom / phone APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. Simply indicate on your booking notes that you would like the appointment to be via virtual means. 

:: Rae is fully registered with all private health insurance providers. 

Testing and Health Screening Services

In addition to undertaking a detailed case study Rae also utilises comprehensive and reliable scientific testing procedures where needed to assess and help to address any underlying causes for your health concerns.

This is in addition to any standard lab tests you may have recently had with your GP which also form a valuable part of your health assessment. 


Used to assess and screen for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. There is currently no other accurate way to assess this common condition seen in cases of IBS, bloating, nutrient depletion due to malabsorption, bowel irregularities and general digestive discomfort.  A simple breath test which is assessed by an independent laboratory. 

Rae is also well trained and experienced in treating cases of SIBO that are seen regularly in clinic. 

MIcrobiome Mapping - Co Biome Comprehensive Stool and Microbiome test.

With my special interest in digestive health, I regularly request a laboratory based comprehensive stool microbiome assessment. This specialised assessment utilises the most accurate metagenomic sequencing, to map and identify your unique microbiome. Additionally, functional digestive markers which help indicate health of the gastrointestinal barrier, pancreatic enzyme production, gut immune defence, gut inflammation and infection are screened.

The test will help to detect the underlying causes of your digestive symptoms, systemic inflammatory drivers, potential gut infection, immune depletion and food reactions.

The best test for you will be the one determined most clinically relevant, following a comprehensive consultation. Get in touch to find out more.